Refund Policy

When you make a purchase on or receive a gift through the SquadKicks Services, including in third-party Extensions, you have immediate access to, and use of, the Ancillary Products and Services you have purchased. Accordingly, except as detailed in these Terms of Sale, to the extent permitted by applicable law, cancellations are not permitted after a purchase, and we do not offer any refunds or credits, including, without limitation, fees for Subscription Services. SquadKicks reserves the right to modify this refund policy as set forth below at any time. Unless otherwise specified in these Terms of Sale or required under the applicable law in your jurisdiction, games, in-game items, and other digital goods are not returnable after purchase, including those purchased in third-party Extensions. If you have problems with the download or installation of a game or with use of items purchased in Extensions, please contact Customer Support. This refund policy is not applicable for items (whether games, in-game items, or other digital goods) you obtained as a result of your participation in the Prime Gaming program.